Running log

Following on from last Tuesday. I may publish this series of posts as they deserve to be seen by a wider audience. I know a publisher.

Wed 24.09
Thu 25.09
Fri 26.09
Sat 27.09
Sun 28.09

So that brings my week’s mileage up to 23k (or about 14 miles), and 20k (or about 12 miles) last week. Everything felt a bit better this week: not sure if I was fighting off whatever was going around the office last week, or if I’ve got the hang of pacing myself a bit better, but things are hanging together better. Against that, I can feel a few bits just waiting for a chance to snap (muscle on my right hip and both knees are a little tetchy) so I’ve been concentrating on running gently rather than legging it. At the moment I’m trying to notch up some distance without ruining myself (when I did the 10k that started all this it didn’t matter if I couldn’t walk for a week or two afterwards, but now I’d like to be able to keep running) so I’ve not been timing myself properly, but I noticed that my 5ks are between 25 – 27 minutes at the moment.

Have dusted off my old luminous canoe hellys as well, now the mornings are a bit darker than they were. Will have to look into some sort of reflective vest or jacket, I think.

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